Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center
Andover, Massachusetts

Phillips Academy Andover
Project Value
$12.5 million
Building Size
17,000 square feet
General Contractor
Consigli Construction
Shepley Bulfinch Architects

The Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center was designed and built to integrate Phillips Academy’s health services under one roof. The wellness center combines traditional medical services and psychological counseling with a wide variety of important new programs, including personal health assessment, yoga, and meditation.
Designed by Shelpley Bulfinch of Boston, MA, the new 17,000 SF building is set into the hillside adjacent to Bulfinch Hall. The building consists of an XRAY Room; Lab; Treatment Rooms; Student patient rooms; Triage; Two large multi-purpose rooms, and a conference room.
19 Geothermal wells were drilled 500 feet into the earth and are incorporated into the HVAC Systems. The project received a Gold Certificate for LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) from the US Green Building Council.
The building has joined Bulfinch Hall, and the Addison Gallery of American Art in the Academy’s growing roster of buildings sprouting green roofs.
The Garden Level features an exterior garden that was developed with local materials. Granite foundations salvaged from the demolition of a pre-existing house border the garden perimeter. Stones from the site excavation act as seats throughout the garden. Benches built from black locust trees that were cleared prior to construction act as seating areas for discussions.